Dear Bards of Ynys Witrin,
As a recently ‘Elder-ed’ Bard of Ynys Witrin I’d like to make an open invitation for Bards to compose on the theme of ‘The Fruits of the Land’ to perform for this year’s Harvest Show on Saturday 14th September in Glastonbury.
Admittedly this is well in advance, but it means we will have time to incubate some good ideas…
As you know, The Harvest Show is an important community event bringing people together of all ages, from all sections of the local community who have a passion for growing, baking, brewing and preserving.
However, last year, numbers were a bit sparse when it came to the produce auction so we need some performer in song, story and/or verse to give the day a boost!
What better event to honour by putting our Bardic pens to paper?
Please email me on if you are interested.
Blessed Be,
Gerry x