For their tutelage, inspiration and guidance.
- Tim Woodman Sebastion
- (1947 – 2007) Chosen Chief of the Secular Order of Druids, Archdruid of Wiltshire, then Bath and a founding member of the Gorsedd of Bards of Caer Abiri. Tim was chairman of both the Antiquarian Picnic Society and the Stonehenge Cricket Club.
- Ray Kerley
- Archdruid of Glastonbury. Ray was a jeweller and Gnostic Christian, whose family had long been Welsh Druids.
- Ritchie Bond
- (1947 – 2004) Artist and constructor of our fabulous Bardic Chair.
- Alison Collyer
- Alison came to Glastonbury in 1979 to run a Christian community farm and to help animals.
- Jacqueline Memory Patterson
- (1945 – 2004) Co-founder of the Glastonbury Order of Druids and the author of “Tree Wisdom: The definitive guidebook to the myth, folklore and healing power of Trees”.
- John Michell
- (1933 – 2009) British antiquarian and writer. Author of “The View Over Atlantis”, probably the most influential book in the history of the hippy/underground movement, which put ley lines on the map and made Glastonbury the capital of the New Age. More about John …
- Graham Coles
- Glastonbury Town Crier 2006 – 2013. Graham G0BKU was a Ham Radio enthusiast and counsellor for Alcoholics Anonymous. He was a fine ambassador for Glastonbury.
- Brian Conquer
- Elder Druid of the Hibernian Order of Druids. Judo expert, Guardian of the White Spring and Volunteer at Chalice Well.
- Denny Michell
- Bard, Elder Ovate and founding Elder Druid of Gorsedh Ynys Witrin. Seamstress, Faerie Queen and Mayor of Glastonbury.
- Sheena Johnstone
- Artist and Dancer with Silver on the Tree.
- Geoffrey Ashe MBE FRSL
- (29 March 1923 – 30 January 2022) was a British cultural historian, lecturer and Honorary Bard of Ynys Witrin, known for his focus on King Arthur.